Oak Doer’s Internal meeting

Oak Doer held an internal meeting after Teaching Mode training,the meeting was regarding fabric+accessories supply and plant production plan coordination,quality control of workwear goods.Employees actively spoke up and made feasible suggestions.


In the process of workwear manufacturing,production coordination plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of a plant. Fabric accessories supply and plant production plan coordination involves the management of resources, schedules, and workflows to ensure that the right materials are available at the right time and in the right quantities. This requires close collaboration between different departments, such as procurement, production, and logistics, to align their activities and optimize the overall production process.

One of the key aspects of production coordination in the context of fabric accessories supply is the management of inventory levels. Effective coordination also involves the synchronization of production schedules with the availability of fabric accessories.This requires a proactive approach to planning and scheduling, taking into account lead times for the procurement of materials and the production capacity of the plant. By aligning these factors, production planners can minimize idle time and maximize the utilization of resources, ultimately improving the overall efficiency of the production process.

Production coordination is essential for ensuring the seamless integration of fabric accessories supply and plant production plan.By effectively managing inventory levels,synchronizing production schedules,and optimizing resource allocation,we can enhance our operational efficiency,best delivery date and maintain a competitive edge in the market.


Quality is the basis of enterprise survival.We write regular daily report inspection to solve the quality problems in time.This practice involves the systematic review of various processes,materials,and outputs to identify and address any potential quality issues in a timely manner.

The daily report inspection is its ability to facilitate timely problem-solving.By identifying quality issues early on,we can implement corrective measures to prevent the recurrence of similar problems in the future.This proactive approach not only helps in maintaining product quality but also contributes to overall customer satisfaction.In addition to identifying and solving quality problems,the daily report inspection also serves as a valuable tool for continuous improvement.By analyzing the data collected during inspections,we can identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance our quality control processes.

All we do is to provide the best quality products for workers with the most reliable delivery time, Oak Doer as a producer with INSPIRED format,we are looking forward to your cooperation!

Post time: May-16-2024